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Open Days at EPFL: more than 200 events to discover science in a fun way!

For a weekend, the public is invited to enter a world of innovation, science and creativity at EPFL in Lausanne on 29-30th April 2023. Scientific activities, demonstrations, laboratory visits, cultural events... a plethora of events take place in the huge university campus. They are focused on five main topics: climate change, health, artificial intelligence, basic research and space.

NCCR SPIN scientists will be involved in different ways.

  • Prof. Vincenzo Savona will be discussing “The magnificent adventure of quantum physics: a technology of the future” during a session moderated by Fred Courant, well-known for being the TV show host of “L’Esprit Sorcier”. The event will take place in the STCC - Auditoire B, on the 30th April 2023 at 11:30.

  • The videos of our #NCCRWomen campaign will be projected in the building MED on the 2nd floor, in the space dedicated to NCCR MARVEL. Come and discover our women researchers and learn about what they do, and why they do it!

Find the entire program of the Open Days on the dedicated website. We hope to see many people at this interactive and lively outreach event!

April 24

PhD Students Retreat

May 4

Characterization of ultra-low charge noise Silicon MOS quantum dots fabricated in a full 300mm CMOS platform, by Asser Elsayed (IMEC, Belgium)