NCCR SPIN organized its first Quantum Industry Chat


For the first time, NCCR SPIN invited interested companies to its Quantum Industry Chat. The event took place in IBM Research - Zurich in Rüschlikon on the 7th June 2023 in the afternoon.

The event was initiated to gather companies interested in quantum computing and its related quantum ecosystem, be it to get informed of new advances in the field, how to integrate quantum technology into a line of products, to learn about the supply chain of the quantum industry or to assess the market potential of quantum technology developed in the research groups of NCCR SPIN.

The event took place in the beautiful and green campus of IBM Research Zurich. After everyone has arrived, Heike Riel, Head of the Science & Technology and Lead of IBM Research Quantum Europe at IBM Research Zurich, welcomed the participants and briefly presented IBM Research. Then, Andreas Fuhrer, group leader in the Semiconductor Qubit Group at IBM Research – Zurich gave an introduction to quantum computing and its required quantum ecosystem and growing supply chain. Dominik Zumbühl, director of NCCR SPIN, followed with an overview of the NCCR SPIN activities. Eventually, NCCR SPIN PI Andreas Kuhlmann, senior researchers Christian Scheller, Felix Schupp and Peter Müller and IBM researcher Christa Zoufal, presented the technology used in their research that could have a potential for market to the industrials present at the meeting. Topics such as qubit fabrication, cryo-electronics and control, probestation, image recognition, cryogenics, algorithms and theory were discussed with the audience.

The series of presentations was followed by an apero to promote further discussions between industry and academia in a friendly atmosphere. Posters were created for the occasion to enable deeper conversation around the topics presented in the talks.

All in all, our first Quantum Industry Chat was a successful event which gathered enthusiastic companies interested in quantum and researchers. Lively discussions and presentation of high-end topics enabled the reinforcement of the ties between industry and research.


A novel architecture paves the way to large-scale integration of qubits arrays


NCCR SPIN Image contest 2023