NCCR SPIN research group at Uni Basel features in reportage on Quantum Computing by Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle unveils an exploration of Quantum Computing in their latest feature. Produced by Julia Schwamborn, this captivating documentary, initially aired by Swiss Radio and Television, SRF, is now accessible in English.

Through the lens of Prof. Dominik Zumbühl's research team at the University of Basel, viewers gain insight into the utilization of quantum physics for computational advancements and uncover the challenges faced by scientists in the pursuit of quantum computing.

Explore this thought-provoking reportage, now available for viewing on Deutsche Welle's broadcasting platforms and YouTube, offering a profound glimpse into the future of computing.


NCCR SPIN together with Swissnex sheds light on the potential of quantum technologies for drug development and biotech


Continuation and funding increase of NCCR SPIN